Thursday, December 16, 2010

Decorating The Christmas Tree and Wishin for a Horse

"We need a real Christmas tree!" Rebecca yelled. We were all sitting on the couch trying to soak up the heat from the Fire in the fireplace
"I already told you Becca, We dont have enough money to get a real Christmas tree! They are like $100 around here for ONE christmas tree!" Julie tried to tell her. Julie and Rebecca were having one of there sister fights! Usually its about Julie stealing Rebecca's clothes or Rebecca being lazy and not helping Julie, But this time Rebecca was obsessed with getting a REAL Christmas tree this year, But Julie didnt like the idea of paying a bunch of money for a christmas tree that your going to throw out in the end.
"So!" Rebecca was not bought.
"We have a fake tree up in the attic! We dont need a real tree that we'll pay about $100 on and then throw away after Christmas time" Julie said.
"Jeez Julianne! Your like Scudge!" Rebecca whined. Julianne
"First, Now Jezz me! Second, dont call me by my First name, Julianne! And third, I'm not like Srudge just because I dont want a real Christmas tree!" Julie said.
"Why dont you want one?" Rebecca asked. I wanted to depend Rebecca, it would be nice to have a real Christmas tree! But then again I didnt want to come between Julie and Becca!
"Because, we'll spend a bucnh of money. Then all the leaves will fall all over the Floor and make a mess! And we dont have enough money, were on a budget here!" Julie reasoned.
"But its Christmas! You have to get into the Holiday spirit, and by that I mean getting a Real Christmas tree! And Plus its all our First Christmas with Brittany! I want to make it special! I bet Brittany would lend us the money" Rebecca said as she looked at me. I nodded my head but didnt say anything.
"Looks like you Have Elizabeth teamed up with you!" Julie said giving me a look. One of her eyebrows were up and the other was down.
"I'm sorry but it would be nice to have a real Christmas tree! At the American Girl Factory there was always Fake christmas trees never Real!" I told her. Rebecca came up and hugged me.
Julie just rolled her eye's and said "Alright! Alright! We'll ask Brittany...wait No you'll ask Brittany for Money!" Julie said to Rebecca.
Rebecca nodded her head.
"Will do!" Rebecca said as she rushed up the stairs to Brittanys room.
Julie just looked at me and said "Sometimes I feel like I'm the older sister instead of her!". I smiled.

So the very next day we went to the nearest Christmas Tree place.

"I think we need this one!" Rebecca said pointing to the tallest Christmas tree I have ever seen!
"Uhh..Dont you think thats a little tall" I said. Rebecca shrugged her shoulders.
"How much money did Brittany give us?" I asked Julie. She was in charge of the money.
"She gave us $200 for the Christmas tree and the Decorations for it" Julie said looking at this wad of cash Brittany gave her.
"$200! I can do alot wiht $200! Like go get my nails done!" Rebecca said taking the cash. Julie snatched form her.
"Nope! This money isnt for your Salon Treatments you dont even need! This is for your REAL Christmas tree you Just HAD to have!" Julie said sarcasticly.
Rebecca rolled her eye's.

A tall lady with Blonde hair (up in a bun) and Green eyes came up to us. She was wearing a Red shirt with White pants and UGLY Red Pointy toed flats for shoes.
"Hi my names Cady Wallson, Can I help you girls with anything?" The Lady asked us with a Big Fake Smile.
"N.." Rebecca tried to say no but Julie cut her off.
"Uhh..Yes actualy you can! We're looking for a real christmas tree" Julie said and told her how tall the cieling of our house was.
"Okay..Well I think those sized tree's are over here" Cady told us as she walked us over to a part of the store.
"Thank you!" I said.
"This looks like a good tree!" Rebecca said from behind the tree.
"Yes it does!" Julie and I both agreed.
"How much is this?" Julie said pointing to the tree.
"Actually were having a deal on this tree! It's $85!" Cady said to us.
"Oh really! And what was the price before?" Rebecca said. She was a good Sales women! She could talk you out of paying high prices for things, Thats how she has SO MUCH clothes!
"It was $110" Cady told her.
"Hmm...Seems like a pretty good deal. But I'm torn! Is there something wrong with the tree that you had to put it at a low price?" I asked.
"Nope! It is completely 100% fine!" Cady said.
"We'll take it then!" Julie said and paid her the money.

We went to the store to get osme decorations then we went home.

"Are we going to put up the Christmas tree now?" I asked happily.
"Yep!" Rebecca said taking all the decorations out of there packages.
Julie and I picked the tree up and put it on its Stand we bought. Rebecca dissapeared somewhere upstairs
Then suddenly we heard the beginning of Forsty the snowman (song) Playing! Rebeccas came from around the corner carrying the thing that was making the music. It was Rebecca's Ipod touch, She had it hooked up to speakers so we could hear it.
"Really? Christmas Music?" Julie said.
"Ya! Its Christmas time which means you play Christmas Music! Oh and dont forget, after this were watching 'How the Grinch Stole Chistmas' movie! My Favorite Christmas movie! So dont get tired" Rebecca anounced.
"Okay!" I said. I loved how the Grinch stole Christmas too!
"Frosty the snowman, was a Jolly happy Soul with a corncob pipe and a button nose" I sang to the music.
"You sound awesome!" Julie told me. Rebecca agreed.
Rebecca danced to the music (since she was a dancer)
"You know I can play Frosty the Snowman on my Cello" Julie said.
"You can! You'll have to show me one time!" I said as I put a Santa ordament on the Christmas tree.
We got to work decoraing the Tree. We were joking and Lauhging around, and just having FUN!

"It looks Beautiful!" Rebecca said in awe.
"Yes it does!" Julie said.
"Cause we did it together!" I anounced. That made us go into a big group hug.
"I'm so happy to have sisters like you!" I said and so Did Julie and Rebecca.

When we were watching how the Grinch stole Christmas Rebecca asked Julie and me "What do you want for Christmas?"
"Well I would LOVE to have these awesome new ice-skates! They go up to your ankles and then theres fuz on it! They are so cute! oh and also a New PHONE!" Julie said.
"What do you want?" I asked Rebecca
"I want some Itunes cards for Ipod touch, some Aeropostale, Hollister, and any type of clothes. I want really nothing in Particular" Rebecca said. I nodded my head.
"How about you Lizzie?" Julie asked.
I tried to think of what I wanted. I know I want a New Phone, But what I want the most is a Horse! I've wnated one for so long! Probally since I was made. I remember when I saw the first horse I've ever seen! It was a day i'd never forget. But I couldnt tell them I wanted a horse! Thats a little pushy! Horses are like a thousand dollars if you want just a regular horse. If you want a NICE horse there ALOT of money! Julie has a horse but she got that from Brittanys Grandmas horse who had babies!
So I just said "Umm...A phone" and that was it.

I didnt Expect them to get me a horse! That would be mean of me to tell them I want this thousand dollar Horse!



  1. Elizabeth, definitely tell them you want a horse. They told you what they wanted, so you should tell them what you really want. What color horse do you want? My mom used to have a horse named Summer, and she was brown. Please take my advice! If anyone agrees with me, please say so in your comment. Thanks! Hannah

  2. V I agree 120% with Hannah.

