Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi my names Elizabeth Cole! I do not Have a Middle name yet. I'm an American Girl doll. I have not yet been picked out by anybody so I still live at the Factory. I'm using one of the workers computers that work here at the AG Factory. I'm not suppost to let anybody know that we can talk and move around so I have to get on at night. But there's no workers around right now so I decided to take a chance.

I have 3 best friends! They are the coolest people I know. There names are Felicity (Historical), Maddy (MAG #23), and Kaley (MAG #39). They are all AG dolls too of course! They call me Liz which I only let certain people call me because I dont really like that nickname but thats what they call me. lol. Maddy is the one that sticks up for all of us and doesnt care what people say about her, Kaley is the book lover, and Felicity is of course the horse lover and adventures one. I'm the Shy one. which I hate about me.

Living here at AG Factory isnt so bad if your wondering. The only bad part about it is that us dolls have to stay in our boxes all day but we can come out at night!  There are some mean Dolls here though! They want to make our lives miserable. There's 2 of them and there names are Haley (MAG #38) and Molly (Historical). Haley is the leader and Molly's the follower. lol. and they always pick on me because of my Pin Curls! They say there ugly. Since I'm to shy to stick up for myself Maddy sticks up for me and tells them off! She uses some creative language. lol. Everyone reassures me that my Pin Curls aren't ugly and that they make me special. I actually love my pin curls.

We'll I think some factory workers are coming around the corner. Gotta go get back in my box. lol. PLEASE FOLLOW!!! It would be awesome! bye!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, I'm Prudence! [I will be posting comments on your future posts! Just to give you a warning]
    You sound really sweet and nice :) I remember being in a factory, well actually no, I remember being in an AG Place.
    Good times, good times.

    Maddy and Kaley seem like awesome friends and so does Feliicty! My family is hoping to get a Felicity for Christmas, I wonder if that's the one you know...... Maybe!

    Ahh mean girls,
    Can't live with 'em and you want to live without 'em.
    That's my motto!
    Don't worry though, as soon as you find a family and go to a new home, you will never hear from them again!

