-A POST BY BRITTANY (Elizabeths "Guardian")-
Hey everyone who follows this blog!
Well I'm going to have to cancel this blog!
Its summer break for me, and I've realized even though I'm off of school I wont be able to keep up with this blog!
I'm really not even on the computer as much as I use to!
I feel like I'm changing, and so is this blog (for good, or for worse). I cant think of any creative things to write about!
I know alot of people seem to be canceling there doll blogs, but I really have to!
(I will be canceling Julie and Rebeccas blog to!)
I'm sooo sorry!
This might be Elizabeth/Brittanys last post, or it might not!
You never know, maybe in a month or two I will be back blogging......
But for right now,.......I just cant :(
I'm so sorry! ! ! ! !